This year I really want to work on making some changes in my life. Not major life altering ones just, growing changes. When
Layla mentioned picking a word of the year it really made me stop and think. What would my word be? What do I want to do this year, to change. This year my word is....
This year I want to be intentional about what I do. I want to be more focused on my family. I tend to fill up my calendar and give them the leftovers. This year I will give them priority, and work on becoming the wife and mom I want to be
I want to be positive. Call me a pessimist, but I prefer to think I am more of a realist :) I tend to see all of the things that could go wrong and try to plan for that instead of looking at all of the things that could go right first. Sometimes I think way too much!
I want to be healthier, in my food choices and exercise (ughhhhh!)
I want to be more creative, to stop second guessing my abilities and take a step out and create! When I taught preschool, I was creative everyday. Now I struggle with the confidence that I once had
I want to strive to be the person that God wants me to be! I want to be still and more focused on my relationship with God. This past year has been a struggle in the faith department, I have questioned God ALOT and then not stopped to listen. I want to just be still and know that HE is GOD!
This year I just want to be!!!
What word would you choose?